
How fast reporting saves up to 40% of time

Liqui Moly - Liqiu Moly specializes in the development and production of high-quality lubricants and automotive additives that improve engine performance and extend engine life. In the international market, Liqiu Moly has established itself as a reliable manufacturer in high demand among car manufacturers and service companies due to the quality and innovative technologies of its products. The company was founded in 1957 in Germany. It has representative offices in more than 150 partner countries. The company's product portfolio includes more than 4,000 items.
The representative of the international brand in Uzbekistan is the company MERIDIAN TEMPO, which offers customers a catalog with more than 2,000 items of goods for cars. In terms of demand for goods on the local market, the company is in the TOP-5.
In the process of expanding the business in the local market, the Liqui Moly representative office faced a number of inconveniences - to find out the price or the status of an order in Uzbekistan, each time it was necessary to contact the head office, which complicated the process.

Bakhodir Makhkamov, Chief Administrator:

"When we first contacted Green White Solutions, we had a specific task - to ensure mobility for our sales representatives. They are constantly moving around the city, meeting with clients, visiting stores and placing orders on the spot. It was important for us that our sales agents could see current prices, place orders and receive all the necessary information about sales in real time."

The implementation of automation became the solution to the problem. Representatives began to look for software that could meet their requirements. After reviewing several software programs, the company chose the Smartup solution.

The company had not previously worked with similar solutions, but feedback from partners about the capabilities of Smartup prompted us to try this system in action. Having tested Smartup, the company representatives were convinced that the program effectively solves the tasks set and 100% covers their needs at the moment. Since 2020, the company has been actively cooperating with Green White Solutions, regularly using Smartup functionality to maintain and improve its business processes.
Bakhodir Makhkamov, Chief Administrator:

"Green White Solutions offered us a solution that completely changed the approach to work. With their system, our agents were able to work with information on the spot, see current sales data and quickly respond to customer requests. Now, with branches across the country and 2 to 3 agents in each region, we are confident that each employee is provided with all the tools for productive work. In Tashkent, where about 7-8 of our sales representatives work, mobility and access to information have become not just a convenience, but a real breakthrough, thanks to which each agent can offer the client exactly what he needs at the right time."

Liqui Moly representative office turned to Smartup in search of a solution for managing and automating the tasks of sales representatives and warehouse operations. Today, according to company representatives, Smartup is the basis of their prompt and correct work process. The platform tools not only allowed them to establish timely deliveries and effectively manage balances, but also helped ensure transparency at each stage of work, from ordering to delivery.
Let's take a closer look at the functions of the Smartup system that were implemented and what results were achieved:

1. The "Visit Steps" module
The "Visit Steps" tool has significantly optimized and accelerated visits to retail outlets. With its help, sales representatives can mark their actions online, record remaining goods, record new orders and clarify information about products in the warehouse. Now all data is displayed instantly, so there is no longer any time wasted waiting, exchanging information or recounting stocks - the system allows you to see everything in real time.

The agent control system allows you to see the route of each sales representative in real time and receive reports on visits to retail outlets. This is not just control - it is a guarantee that each process is completed, and the goods are always where they are needed.

Another advantage is the ability to accept an order offline and send it when connected to the network. This is especially convenient in regions where the connection is interrupted. Even if a sales agent is without the Internet for a few minutes, he can accept an order and process it; when connected to the network, the application is sent and confirmation can be received.

Bakhodir Makhkamov, Chief Administrator:

“To solve the problems of monitoring and coordinating field employees, Smartup provided a full-fledged tool that became a real assistant. With its help, the company was able to guarantee that goods reach store shelves and all tasks are completed on time. The intuitive platform controls agent routes, allows you to monitor their visits to retail outlets and gives confidence that no process is left without attention.”
2. Inventory tracking module
Another key tool of Smartup is online tracking of product in stock. The system provides full access to information about products in different branches, be it the central warehouse in Tashkent or regional warehouses. This solves the problem of timely delivery and logistics optimization: if there is a shortage of goods in one branch, you can quickly check the stock in others and promptly organize the movement. The module also supports strategic planning, allowing the company to prepare for demand in advance.

3. Analytics and sales planning
The Smartup system provided a sales forecasting tool that helps the company analyze current sales and plan volumes for the future. With its help, employees can determine in advance how much product will be needed for the next month, which allows for better control of stocks and avoiding unnecessary expenses. This not only increases sales efficiency, but also helps to avoid errors in orders, since all sales data is available and analyzed within a single platform.

4. Transparency and control over the work of agents
Tools for monitoring sales representatives allowed management to track the actions of each agent in real time. Smartup records when a representative visits a retail outlet, what actions they perform, and how much time they spend on the route. All information is displayed in the system, making the work of each employee as transparent and accountable as possible. Such transparency allows you to accurately assess employee KPIs, as well as promptly identify and eliminate errors if they occur.

5. Order confirmation and error correction
Smartup also offers a simple solution for eliminating errors when placing orders. If an agent makes a mistake, the system allows you to quickly make adjustments and show the order to the client again to confirm the new data. This is especially important when ordering goods with similar names or the same name, but different volumes. This is convenient and helps to avoid inaccuracies: the system saves all data on the quantity, amount, and delivery times, ensuring transparency and reliability at every stage.
Bakhodir Makhkamov, Chief Administrator:

"In many ways, the system met expectations and provided the necessary tools. Some of the desired functions work as planned and necessary for the company. However, as in any IT solution, there are details that require refinement and optimization to fully meet expectations."

Working with Smartup, the Liqui Moly representative office managed to significantly improve customer service throughout the country and increase the efficiency of operational tasks. As a result:

  • thanks to the automation of visits, the time to complete tasks is reduced by 25-30%;
  • reduction in warehouse costs by 15-20% due to online monitoring of balances;
  • transparency of employee work reaches 90%, simplifying the calculation of KPIs and increasing productivity;
  • automation of reporting saves up to 40% of time, allowing employees to focus on strategic tasks;
  • reduced time for decision-making helps management quickly adapt to changes, creating the basis for long-term and stable growth of the company.

With the implementation of Smartup, the Liqui Moly representative office was able to optimize all stages of distribution - from visit management to accurate inventory calculation and sales planning. Quick access to information, control over the work of employees, the ability to quickly correct errors - all this helped speed up processes and improve results. Smartup has proven its value to the company, providing the desired results and the necessary flexibility for further growth and improvement of indicators.
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