اللغة العربية

Made in Tajikistan - building materials

The Tajik construction goods market is a plum for foreign manufacturers. The republic, until recently, did not have sufficient resources to establish domestic production, so foreign companies easily entered the market.

Today, as market analysis has shown, domestic production in Tajikistan is developing rapidly. Moreover, the results of the analysis, when used correctly, are an effective tool that can point the growth opportunities for domestic and foreign distribution companies.


In 2014, a joint Chinese-Tajik brand "Huaksin-Gayur" was created, which is engaged in the production of cement. Due to the high quality and reasonable prices for the products, the company has managed to win the lion's share of the domestic market and displace foreign brands, including the Pakistani "Pakcement".

Example: The cost of cement, a standard not lower than porter M-400, by Huaksin-Gayur is 40 somoni per bag, while a Pakistani competitor supplies cement of a grade not higher than M-300 to Tajikistan at a price of 60 somoni per bag.

Today, the domestic brand produces more than a million tons of cement per year, 3,300 tons per day.

Over time, Mohircement and TajCem appeared in the republic. Tajik companies occupy 98% of the entire cement market.


The entry of a domestic manufacturer into the drywall market was difficult. However, starting from 2016, domestic producers from Yavan and Sogd began to produce a product that is not inferior in quality to foreign ones.

Today, the goods of Tajik manufacturers occupy more than 50% of the market and compete with Kazakh and Uzbek drywall only on price. If a sheet of Tajik drywall costs 58 somoni, then Uzbek - 53 somoni.

Nails, screws and screws

Tojfiliz LLC is a local company that has been producing highly competitive nails and self-tapping screws of various types since 2019, thereby displacing foreign companies from the Tajik building materials market.

The company is provided with a modern production line from well-known world companies and manufactures products in accordance with international requirements and standards.

Per month, Tajfiliz processes about 600 tons of metal and produces more than 200 types of nails, including screws.

Cables and wires

After the launch of the production of 40 types of cable assortment with a cross section from 35 to 600 millimeters of different voltages in 2011 by TALCO Cable LLC, the entire market was completely transferred to the domestic manufacturer.

Moreover, the high quality of TALCO Cable is in great demand in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus.

Summing up, it should be noted that in terms of distribution interests, the Tajik building materials market is highly attractive. Many domestic manufacturers supplying highly competitive goods to the local market are a growth point for distributors.

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