For business automation in the field of distribution and sales, Smartup is a very good solution. Plus, it is Green White Solutions - a company that has been on the market for a very long time, thanks to which Smartup offers a comprehensive approach to accounting of warehouses, sales, marketing, finance, which allows us to manage all aspects of the business 100%, i.e. we can look in any direction.
Another very important point is optimization with 1C and SAP, and other third-party solutions. If desired, by contacting your specialists, you can find solutions for competent setup of work. This allows us to scale, be more flexible, faster and minimizes the risk of errors! Good data analysis helps to strategically plan our further actions for development - this is an advantage! This is a very good tool for increasing business efficiency.
A very important point is control over sales agents. And the biggest advantage, probably, is that in some regions we use a dealer structure, where most of our partners already have the Smartup program installed - we integrate them with each other and make their work easier. Our partner base completely coincides with ours - we just open the key, and sales representatives go and punch orders in the standard system. Dealers also note that it is convenient for them to monitor debts.
In 3 months of using the function of control over the trading conditions of partners who work with deferred payment, we managed to reduce the number of suitable debts and already overdue ones by 90%. It was in 3 months of testing the system that we managed to achieve such results. As a result, the number of overdue debts has almost disappeared!
We were able to correctly configure the reporting system. If earlier several people collected reports into one - now we have configured 1 super report, which can be collected by 1 person using 4-5 buttons, sends it by mail and that's it - the issue is closed!
I would like Smartup specialists to start developing Artificial Intelligence – so that we could plan our activities, so that some notifications would be sent out automatically, in those aspects where a person does not need to think. I would like your guys to be more professional, more responsive. Nail Akhmadulin is a strong specialist in your company, I would like the guys to adopt his professionalism and experience!