
How to reduce receivables by 90% in the first 3 months

2025-01-27 09:01
SV-Cluster - is a young distribution company founded in 2021. It operates in the segment of detergents and cleaning products, as well as hygiene products. In a short time, it has established itself as a reliable partner, achieving leading positions in a number of areas. The portfolio includes leading Turkish brands: ABC Deterjan household chemicals, Papia paper products, Molfix baby diapers and Evony adult diapers. Cooperation with large factories, high-quality products and professionalism ensured the company's successful development.

Business scale: more than 100 employees throughout Uzbekistan.
The company has launched work on automating processes to solve key tasks:

1. Work of sales representatives: recording the location of employees, improving control and optimizing routes.
2. Merchandising: Centralized task management, control of merchandising standards, tracking visits to retail outlets and reporting.
3. CRM systems: The ability to leave comments, keep photo reports and exchange data in real time.
4. Control of goods in the warehouse: Receiving up-to-date information on the availability of goods, control of balances and expiration dates.
5. Analysis of sales dynamics and identification of trends: analyze trends and changes in sales.
6. Tracking the sales of each sales representative: analyze the efficiency of employees and the fulfillment of assigned tasks.
Vladimir Yevsyutin, Commercial Director:
For business automation in the field of distribution and sales, Smartup is a very good solution. Plus, it is Green White Solutions - a company that has been on the market for a very long time, thanks to which Smartup offers a comprehensive approach to accounting of warehouses, sales, marketing, finance, which allows us to manage all aspects of the business 100%, i.e. we can look in any direction.
The following tools were connected to solve these problems:

- Sales management: The solution for tracking sales of sales representatives allows you to effectively analyze the performance of each employee. The system can be used to monitor the fulfillment of plans, sales volumes, success of concluded deals and other key indicators. The data is updated in real time and visualized through convenient dashboards, which helps to quickly identify trends and make decisions to improve the efficiency of employees. This improves control over the execution of tasks, allows you to promptly identify weak points in sales and take measures to optimize the team's work.

- CRM system: allows you to effectively manage interactions with clients, providing the ability to leave comments on the work performed, as well as keep photo reports and exchange data in real time. This gives employees the opportunity to record all the details of the work and transfer up-to-date information to colleagues and managers without delay. Thanks to integration with 1C and other systems, Smartup facilitates the analysis of work efficiency, improves coordination between teams and speeds up decision-making, increasing overall business productivity.

Vladimir Yevsyutin, Commercial Director:
Another very important point is optimization with 1C and SAP, and other third-party solutions. If desired, by contacting your specialists, you can find solutions for competent setup of work. This allows us to scale, be more flexible, faster and minimizes the risk of errors! Good data analysis helps to strategically plan our further actions for development - this is an advantage! This is a very good tool for increasing business efficiency.
- Analytics: A modern dashboard-based analytics tool replaces the labor-intensive process of creating reports in Excel. Instead of spending hours working with cumbersome tables that are difficult to analyze, users now have access to key information in just a few clicks. Customized dashboards allow you to quickly visualize data, making it easier to read and interpret. This approach simplifies monitoring indicators and decision-making, increasing work efficiency.

- Warehouse management: To control goods in the warehouse, the system provides data on product availability, balances and expiration dates in real time. It allows you to minimize errors, track expiration dates, optimize stocks and synchronize data with other systems. This solution speeds up inventory, improves logistics management and reduces costs, which is especially important for businesses with large volumes of goods.

- Financial accounting: Previously, to get the necessary data, you had to spend hours creating reports in Excel - huge tables that were difficult to read and analyze. Today, thanks to properly configured dashboards, all the necessary information can be obtained in just a few clicks.

- Restrictions and limits: the system has the ability to set up restrictions and limits, which allows you not to ship goods to outlets with debt, reducing the risk of financial instability and excess receivables.

- Monitoring the work of field employees: thanks to the Visit Steps functionality and the ability to specify geolocation, all visits to retail outlets can be tracked and the performance of field employees can be analyzed.

- Remote control by tasks: Regional managers can remotely assign tasks to sales agents, check photo reports and monitor the progress of work in real time. It is important that all communication occurs through the system, which eliminates the need for constant calls and communication with field employees. This gives managers full control over processes, and sales agents feel support and guidance at every step, which helps to complete tasks at the highest level.
Vladimir Yevsyutin, Commercial Director:
A very important point is control over sales agents. And the biggest advantage, probably, is that in some regions we use a dealer structure, where most of our partners already have the Smartup program installed - we integrate them with each other and make their work easier. Our partner base completely coincides with ours - we just open the key, and sales representatives go and punch orders in the standard system. Dealers also note that it is convenient for them to monitor debts.

What results have we managed to achieve

  • Reduction of accounts receivable and overdue accounts by 90%
Vladimir Yevsyutin, Commercial Director:
In 3 months of using the function of control over the trading conditions of partners who work with deferred payment, we managed to reduce the number of suitable debts and already overdue ones by 90%. It was in 3 months of testing the system that we managed to achieve such results. As a result, the number of overdue debts has almost disappeared!
  • We have achieved relative financial security
  • Reduction of errors due to human factors
  • Reduction of the number of operators by 2 times
  • Reduction of the time for collecting reports by 2 times
Vladimir Yevsyutin, Commercial Director:
We were able to correctly configure the reporting system. If earlier several people collected reports into one - now we have configured 1 super report, which can be collected by 1 person using 4-5 buttons, sends it by mail and that's it - the issue is closed!

Smartup user wishes

Vladimir Yevsyutin, Commercial Director:
I would like Smartup specialists to start developing Artificial Intelligence – so that we could plan our activities, so that some notifications would be sent out automatically, in those aspects where a person does not need to think. I would like your guys to be more professional, more responsive. Nail Akhmadulin is a strong specialist in your company, I would like the guys to adopt his professionalism and experience!
SV-Cluster's experience has proven that automation not only simplifies daily work, but also protects companies from financial risks and losses. Limits help to effectively reduce or avoid accounts receivable, visit steps – remotely monitor and analyze the work of field employees, reports – correctly forecast and organize the work of the entire company, which will ultimately help in increasing profits and uninterrupted operation in a competitive market.

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Contact us and start using Smartup today!
Household chemicals