
How to increase the efficiency of visits to the outlet

2023-08-24 17:10
Visit is an action of visiting an outlet by a sales representative in order to receive an order for a product and increase the number of MML-matrix products in it, as well as increase sales.

To increase these indicators, you need to follow the "golden formula for success", which includes 10 sales steps for a sales representative:

Step 1. Preparation before the visit

The working day of a sales representative should begin with familiarization with the plan of visits, setting priorities and goals for the day. It is important not to forget the necessary documents: contracts, reconciliation acts, price lists, POSM, as well as presentations.

Step 2. Analysis of the outlet

A competent analysis of the outlet (evaluation of your shelves with goods and shelves of competing companies, inspection of promotional materials, checking expiration dates and stocktaking) is the key to increasing sales.

Step 3. Establishing contact

Or acquaintance of the decision maker with the range of products offered by the company and the terms of cooperation. During visit, the voice of the sales representative should be clear and loud, he needs to speak confidently and evaluate the reaction of the interlocutor.

Step 4. Making an order

Factors to be considered while making an order:

· Average sales for the previous period

· The presence of a promotion or advertising activity in the period

· The onset of holidays

· The situation of competitors

All of the above steps can be automated and completed in Smartup. Moreover, Smartup allows to check the stock.

Step 5. Consider the needs of the client

There is a rule “The best seller is not the one who sells the product, but the one who sells the solution to the problem”, according to which the sales representative must offer a solution to the problem, while selling the product.

It is important for a sales representative to know the customer's pain and offer a solution that will solve it. By solving problems and simplifying the business processes of the client, the distributor wins his favor and trust.

Step 6. Talk about benefits

The purpose of the sales representative is to convey to the client all the advantages and benefits of the products offered. In the presentation of products, the sales representative should use various tools: a catalog, flyers or a presentation.

Smartup has functionality that allows you to present products directly to the application on your mobile device.

Step 7. Working out the objection

During the visit, the sales representative needs to carefully monitor the reaction of the client in order to be able to warn in advance the likelihood of refusal. And if there are prerequisites for refusal, the technique of overcoming objections needed to be applied.

In any case, it is necessary to listen to the interlocutor to the end, understand the reason and essence of the objections and be sure to find a solution to the situation.

Step 8. Order confirmation

The order is considered completed only after the exact answer of the client. The sales representative must gently lead the interlocutor to make this decision and receive confirmation of consent from him. This step is important to ensure that the product is not returned at the time of delivery.

Step 9. Merchandising check

A properly laid out product can significantly increase sales at the point of sale, attract the attention of customers, and build a competent brand block.

· Display of goods facing the buyer

· Availability of correct price tags

· Promotions

· Checking drains on the shelf

· Representation on the “golden shelf”

Step 10. Conduct a thorough analysis of the results

Post-visit analysis is necessary to improve the efficiency of subsequent visits, increase sales at the point of sale and replenish products that quickly leave the shelves:

· It is necessary to reconcile OOS (out of stock) goods

· Check the possibility of setting DMP

· Check the representation of competitors

· Analyze the possibility of increasing the order at a given point

Based on these data, the next visit to a particular trading place is planned.

Despite the fact that the systems for organizing work with each partner are individual, it is possible to identify common features, based on which a successful representative will achieve great results in the implementation of sales plans and management tasks.

With Smartup, you can automate the entire visit process: set up steps, create checklists for sales representatives, optimize routes, etc. Due to this, you will be able to increase the efficiency of sales management and, as a result, multiply your revenue.

Sign up for a product tour and we'll show you how Smartup can not only optimize, but dramatically increase the efficiency of your processes.