How Smartup can help you avoid fines for non-compliance with labeling requirements
2025-01-30 10:33
To ensure compliance with all rules and requirements of digital marking, the Tax Committee has introduced a system of sanction fines.
According to Article 227-1 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
In case of violation of the requirements or procedure for the sale of goods with digital marking, a fine of 2% of the net revenue received in the last reporting quarter in which the violation occurred is applied.
In case of repeated violation during the year, the amount of the fine increases to 20% of the net revenue for the reporting quarter.
In what cases are fines applied:
For failure to display fiscal marks: Fines are applied if companies do not correctly display fiscal marks on products when selling them or transferring them to consumers. This includes cases where fiscal data is not recorded in the relevant documents or is not transferred to tax authorities.
For lack of automated measuring instruments: Fines are possible in the absence or insufficient use of automated accounting systems that do not ensure accurate measurement and reporting of sales volumes and turnover.
For failure to comply with requirements for integration with tax authority information systems: Fines are imposed if companies do not comply with the requirements for automatic integration of their sales and financial transaction data with tax authority information systems (Soliq).
For violations of the rules for mandatory digital marking of goods (products): Fines are applied in cases where manufacturers, importers or sellers do not comply with the mandatory requirements for digital marking of goods using identification means provided for by law.
How Smartup helps in working with marked goods:
Automation of accounting and tracking of each item: Smartup provides full control and accounting of goods, starting from ordering codes in the Asl Belgisi system to sales at retail outlets, ensuring automation of processes.
Management of code balances and reporting in the Asl Belgisi NIS: The function of effective management of unused code balances and automatic transfer of necessary reports to the Asl Belgisi NIS reduces manual labor and minimizes possible errors.
Automatic generation of Electronic Invoices (EI): Smartup allows you to automatically generate EFIs at the time of shipment of goods, which eliminates errors and simplifies interaction with customers.
Integration with the NIS Asl Belgisi and Integration with the NIS Asl Belgisi and eliminates confusion with marking codes when transferring goods to retail outlets, ensuring clarity and reliability in the process.
Warehouse and transportation accounting, aggregation and de-aggregation of codes and automatic sending to the NIS Asl Belgisi: the solution ensures accurate accounting of goods in the warehouse and during transportation, as well as the ability to aggregate and de-aggregate codes with automatic sending of data to the NIS Asl Belgisi.
Mobile application for field employees with control and accounting of goods during loading and unloading: a convenient tool that provides field employees with control and accounting of goods in real time during loading and unloading.
Simplification of routine tasks and effective management of digital marking: the functionality simplifies the performance of routine tasks and competent management of digital marking of goods, increasing the efficiency of business processes.
Using Smartup will allow customers to significantly improve operational efficiency and business sustainability by automating the accounting and tracking of goods, minimizing errors and optimizing business processes.
The system's functionality, such as code balance management, automatic reporting and the generation of Electronic invoices, significantly simplifies financial reporting and improves customer interaction, which ultimately helps to competently develop both business and avoid unwanted fines for violating digital labeling rules.
In a world where digital labeling is becoming an integral part of the product tracking process, Smartup offers innovative solutions for efficient operation of this system.
We are ready to help your business become more efficient and secure in the context of digital labeling. Let's develop your business together!